Abgeschickt von Uwe am 16 Juni, 2006 um 23:48:47
Antwort auf: Where I can buy parts for my XS750? von Alic am 16 Juni, 2006 um 11:09:55:
you can find the camshaft chain on this side under the frame Ersatzteile/Neuanfertigungen, than you look for the German keyword "Steuerkette". What you mean with "spockets"? You can discribe it, original part number or send a picture? Than perhaps i can help you. What is a "tah driven"? Nothing to find in my dictionary, you can do it like before. Sorry for my bad english.
Best triple regards
: Hello!
: I need camshaft chain, sprockets, tah driven. But in all on-line shop I find "discounteid" only. Can you send me link to shop with this parts?