Yamaha-Dreizylinder-IG |
deutsch |
... was founded in 1989 by Michael Riehl and four other triple-heads in Hannover (Germany), while fairing equipped sports bikes were more up to date, as touring bikes with big torque. Meanwhile our temporarily over 500 and actually almost 400 members point out, that there is definitely a bunch of people, preferring touring proof bikes with own character.
We are a loose and unprofessional circle of drivers (just a few females) of the Yamaha triple models XS750, XS750SE, XS850 and their 'foreign country' versions GX750 and XS850 Midnight Special.
Goal our community is, to take care of our triple driven japaneese oldtimer bikes. We still not have anybody, who overhauls an engine for just a box of beer on a Saturday afternoon. But we can support technical problems, have some tech tips and can perhaps help with parts and so on.
Well known highlight is our annual international triple meeting, occurring in different places. Until now we have been in Geisenheim on Rhine (4 times), Blankenburg in Harz (2 times), Schwerte in Ruhrgebiet, Pforzen in Allgäu, Sontra (Northeastern Hessen), Kirchdorf in Bavarian Forest, Detmold (Lippe), Grünberg in Vogelsberg (3 times), in Bruchertseifen in Westerwald, Syke close to Bremen, Mirwart in Belgium, Großenheerse near Minden, Boksee close to Kiel, Oberdorf near Bodensee, Kölzenhain in Vogelsberg, Felsberg-Melgershausen near Kassel (6 times), Viernheim and Kattlenburg-Lindau close to Northeim. These meetings in familiar atmosphere are to get and hold contact to other triple fans, to exchange tips'n tricks or just to talk screws and bits. And for sure we are there to have a party (supported by live music in the last years).
With our club magazine 'Dreierblatt' we have a platform to communicate travellogs, tech reports, old testreports, other things released in literature and free private ads. Dreierblatt releases irregular about once a year (unfortunately we had longer breaks in the last years).
The annual fee for membership is:
€ 10,-- by using SEPA debit payment (and people outside of SEPA)
€ 12,50 by other ways of payment (because of more administration)
To become member, fill in and send us the subscription or use our online form.
To leave, just send a letter, fax, email or give us a call.
Contact addresses: | Yamaha-Dreizylinder-IG | |
Harald Werner | Uwe Werner | |
Sunderbachstraße 16 | Am Brunnen 4 | |
D-34587 Felsberg-Gensungen | D-34587 Felsberg-Melgershausen | |
Phone: +49 5662/91023 | Phone: +49 5662/5445 | |
Fax: +49 5662/5466 | ||
eMail: H_Wernersen@web.de | eMail: ytriples@wwwerner.net | |
German banking account: | IBAN DE58 5206 2601 0002 2717 88 • BIC GENODEF1HRV • VR PartnerBank Chattengau-Schwalm-Eder |
Please excuse, that we can only translate frequently used things, like this info, into English. 'Dreierblatt' and letters for all members will reach you in German language anyway.